Support Groups provide a warm, caring environment for people to share their concerns, get assistance in dealing with the day-to-day stress of living with anaphylaxis and keep up to date. It is especially helpful for those who are newly diagnosed to be able talk to others who understand what they are going through.
You are not alone!
Anaphylaxis Canada can:
- Refer you to a registered support group within your community
- Help you set up a support group
- Our support group resource kit has all the materials you will need to get you started
- You will be in touch with leaders who can share their experience with you
- Register your existing support group and benefit by receiving:
- Anaphylaxis Canada's quarterly 'Link' Newsletter for Support Group Leaders
- Anaphylaxis Canada's How To Start A Support Group Manual for Support Groups
Contact us for more information. We're here to help.
Click here for a list of Anaphylaxis Canada Subscribing Support Groups.
Words from Support Group Leaders
It is a lot of work�but there is a huge need for this kind of group. Accurate information and someone to talk to when a child is first diagnosed is extremely important in order to cope. It is very rewarding to help other people out�we were very fortunate to have a "mentor"/sympathetic person to talk to when our son was first diagnosed.
When my son was first diagnosed a few years ago, I felt alone. Nobody I knew had an anaphylactic child. Friends and family members were sympathetic, but they really did not understand the challenges we faced. While my son was under the care of an excellent allergist, I wanted to learn how others managed on a day-to-day basis. What better teachers are there than those who are in the same boat? So I started a group. As a leader, I have worked very hard over the past two years to provide opportunities for families to network and to learn from specialists. But the rewards I've gained have been much greater. On many occasions, I have turned to members for advice and for quick access to practical information. It has been fulfilling to see how we've helped one another.
Last date modified on Friday, July 17, 2009