Good information is key to staying safe.
What is the Canadian Anaphylaxis Registry?
The Registry is an information service, provided by Anaphylaxis Canada, for people who are allergic to food, insect stings, medication, latex, or exercise. It may also be of benefit to people who are intolerant or sensitive to foods.
How does the Registry work?
You provide information about your or your loved one's allergies. You choose which information you want to receive, such as:
- Updates on food labelling and product alerts
- Latest research findings
- Tips for staying safe
- School related issues
Others who have an interest in anaphylaxis can also sign up for this information service, such as schools, camps, media, and medical professionals.
How is the Registry information used?
We use group data from the Registry to learn more about the scope of serious allergies in Canada. This helps Anaphylaxis Canada raise public awareness about anaphylaxis. Your personal information remains confidential.
Will my information be shared with anyone?
No. All responses are confidential. Your information will be kept on a separate server and accessible only by Anaphylaxis Canada. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.
Can I receive notices by regular mail?
Due to the cost of postage, information is sent by regular mail only when funding is provided (e.g., for recall notices from food manufacturers).
If I'm a member of Anaphylaxis Canada, will my information be in the Registry?
No, you have to provide information for the Registry separately.
How does the Registry differ from membership of Anaphylaxis Canada?
Members of Anaphylaxis Canada pay an annual fee to receive special services, such as newsletters and product discounts. Registrants receive information requested by e-mail. Go to become a member for more nformation.
