Who We Are

The Anaphylaxis Network of Canada consists of people like you who are affected by life-threatening allergies. Our goal is to help members live safely with anaphylaxis by:

  • providing information and support
  • raising public awareness and understanding
  • advocating for changes in society that will provide better protection and safer environments for people with anaphylaxis

To be more specific, we:

  • maintain an information phone line (416-785-5666) and this Website
  • help to establish local support groups and link new members with support groups in their communities
  • provide valuable information to members through a regular newsletter and food-alert bulletins
  • maintain strong ties with the medical and research communities through our allied organization, the Anaphylaxis Foundation of Canada
  • raise public awareness through media interviews
  • provide trained speakers to interested groups through the Network's Speakers Bureau
  • assist school boards, camps and other organizations in developing anaphylaxis policy guidelines (Education Committee)
  • work with food manufacturers to improve labelling (Food and Product Labelling Committee)
  • advise food service companies regarding food handling and cross-contamination
  • work with the transportation industry to create a safer travel environment for anaphylactic individuals (Transportation Committee)
  • contribute to studies and position papers: e.g. "Anaphylaxis In Schools and Other Child Care Settings", "Anaphylaxis: A Handbook for Canadian School Boards", "White Paper: Airline-Related Food Allergies"
  • host educational forums and conferences
