
Alert Notice from Cadbury Trebor Allan Inc.

Consumers allergic to peanuts are advised not to consume Allan Crème Egg 30g or Allan Caramel Egg 30g. All codes are affected. Allan Crème Egg 30g and Allan Caramel Egg 30g do not contain peanuts, but are manufactured on a production line used for other peanut products. The outer carton for both four-packs and three-packs clearly displays a warning that reads, "May contain traces of peanuts", but the individual foils on each of the eggs do not. We adhere to strict Good Manufacturing Practices, and take care to fully and thoroughly clean the production lines between runs to minimize any potential of cross-contamination. As a precautionary measure, however, we are advising peanut allergic consumers not to consume these products. May 3nd 2002