The Purpose

The purpose of this event is to raise funds to support research for a cure for peanut allergies. It is estimated that about 1% of the population has a peanut allergy that could lead to an anaphylactic reaction. Peanut allergy in North American children has doubled in the past decade. All funds raised through this event will be donated to Anaphylaxis Canada to fund appropriate research and awareness projects.

Anaphylaxis Canada is a non-profit organization created by
and for people with anaphylaxis. Its goals are to:

  • Provide information and support to people with anaphylaxis,
    helping them to lead safe, normal lives.
  • Work to improve safety standards for people with anaphylaxis.
    Canada is already one of the safest countries in the world for people
    with life-threatening allergies, and Anaphylaxis Canada has played a
    large role in making that happen.
  • Work with the food industry to improve food labels, with school
    boards, restaurants, the airline industry, government and others.
    Anaphylaxis Canada provides consultation and helps develop policies
    to keep people with anaphylaxis safe.
  • Raise public awareness about anaphylaxis. There is still a great deal
    of misunderstanding about this condition.
  • Conduct research and raise funds for research into anaphylaxis
    treatment and prevention.

The first three Sean Delaney tournaments have raised more than $2 million. With an estimated 1.3 million people with food allergies, Canada is faced with a growing public health issue. Both research and improved patient education and support are essential to helping people at risk of anaphylaxis live safely until effective therapies are developed or a cure is found. 

Net proceeds have supported the important work of McMaster University researchers, Drs. Manel Jordana and Susan Waserman – in their quest to better understand, manage, and treat peanut allergy (The “Integrated Research Programme). Contributions have also allowed Anaphylaxis Canada, a small but growing non-profit organization, the ability to further deliver quality resources to patients, caregivers, educators, and healthcare professionals from coast-to-coast.

In 2008, Anaphylaxis Canada introduced a popular learning program through a series of free educational webcasts. These will form the building blocks for the development of more Internet-based resources and enhance the portfolio of materials in development for a new national training program for anaphylaxis educators. Through their services, they hope to reach hundreds of thousands of teachers and daycare workers who are responsible for a growing number of children at risk of anaphylaxis.