What We Do: Volunteer Opportunities

The Anaphylaxis Network of Canada is made up of volunteers working for a good cause - our loved one's health and safety. Yes, YOU can make a difference. TOGETHER we can give anaphylaxis a strong voice in Canada.


  • Raise public awareness?
  • Develop school policies?
  • Improve food labelling?
  • Increase safer food handling practices?

Join the Anaphylaxis Network of Canada and become involved. Volunteers are needed for:

Membership Drives
Advocacy Committees
Educational Committee

Do you have these particular skills and/or interest?

Data entry
Newsletter editor, writer, kids reporter
Conference coordinator
Correspondence secretary
Phoneline volunteer
Babysitters to help during Educational Forums

Whether you can volunteer a couple of hours a week or a block of time, please leave a message for the President at 416-785-5666.

We are looking for helpers for the November 26th Educational Forum. Please e-mail us if you are interested.