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In response to your need for foods that are peanut/nut-safe, Nestl� Canada�s stringent quality assurance procedures

ensure that our products are either made in a peanut/nut-free manufacturing environment, or are clearly labelled with

an Allergy Alert.


As you may know, our regular boxes of Nestl� Smarties are peanut/nut-safe as they are produced in a nut-free

environment.� This includes Smarties available in the following formats:


56g (also in 4- packs), 84g King Size, 150g bag of Treat Size (10- pack), 187g/3lb bags,

and 56g/210g Christmas Smarties.�


We ensure the manufacturing area is free of peanut/nut ingredients by:


��������� not using peanut/nuts in any products made in the factory,

��������� not permitting any food or drink in the area, and

��������� educating employees about peanut/nut allergies and Nestl� Canada�s manufacturing processes.�


In addition, we have partnered with the Allergy, Asthma Information Association and the Anaphylaxis Network to raise awareness

and educate people about allergies.


In accordance with this policy, we want you to know that the following Smarties holiday products are manufactured

in separate facilities that do contain peanuts/nuts.� Labels on each of these products contain an Allergy Alert.


��������� Christmas and Easter Smarties Shakers -- 210 g (6- pack)

��������� Smarties Eggs -- 46g** and 170g

��������� Snowballs -- 43g and 170g

��������� Smarties Ice Cream -- 110 mL mini cups, IL, and 2L


**We apologize: This past Easter, the Allergy Alert on 46g packages of Smarties Eggs appeared below the

ingredient list but was partially covered by a seam flap.� The chocolate for this product is molded in a facility that

also produces peanut/nut products and, therefore, has the potential to come into contact with peanut/nut

products.� We apologize and have taken immediate action to ensure the Allergy Alert appears above the

ingredient information.�

If you would like additional information about our products, please contact our toll-free customer hotline at

1-800-387-4636.� We recommend you read food labels carefully.� Please pass this information on to someone

you know who may benefit from this information.




