- Criteria for development of a
Priority Allergen List: Application to sesame seed
- A challenge to industry to allow
disclosure of hidden undeclared ingredients to be available to key
investigators for the purpose of accurate patient diagnosis
- Partners in Anaphylaxis Safety
Awards Program
- An Internet Site and Anaphylaxis
Statistical Registry in partnership with the Anaphylaxis Network of
- Hosted an International Scientific
Symposium on Anaphylaxis - November 1999
- Assisted FCPMC (Food & Consumer Product Manufacturing
of Canada) on updating the “Allergy
Beware 2000, a Best Practices Guidelines”
- Assisted CRFA (Canadian Restaurant
& Foodservice Association) on updating the “Allergy Aware” booklet “Food
Allergies & the foodservice industry
- Developed and conducted courses for
the Hotel Foodservice Industry
- Co-sponsored Canadian Paediatric
Surveillance Program on Anaphylaxis
- Funded Berger Health Monitor Report
on Allergies and Anaphylaxis
- Funded Psychosocial Study on Food
Allergies and Families: Who
and What Helps Families Cope with a Diagnosis of Anaphylaxis in a Child?